Friday, June 28, 2013

Food For Thought

So President Obama has made a trip to Africa-a trip that has not been made since 2009. Africa is by far the most contentious, frustrating continent on the planet. Its sheer size dwarfs the sectarian conflicts and pauperism of the Middle East. Some of it is happening in the developed nations like Egypt and Libya. Yet, there is hope-Obama has increased federal aid to the embattled continent according to USAID. Now if you go and click that link, you will note that the comments section is full of nothing but right-wing assholes venting their spleens. Here's a few of the gems:
"Africa's population will grow exponentially if the world continues to feed them. They need to start taking some kind of responsibility for themselves. There is no excuse."
 "Starvation is population control.
Maybe Mother Nature knows best."
 "natural selection ..."
 "The ONLY thing feeding Africa will accomplish is producing more Africans. The more they are given, the more they will reproduce. Pretty soon, we will be providing twice as much because it will be expected."
 And much, much more in that vein. There is safety in numbers and it is obvious that they feel comfortable being sickos who would like nothing more than for the continent to perish. There is such a nasty string of Social Darwinists/Randroids on that thread, it ain't even funny. What they don't realize, is that their ugly bigotry is stupid. What is the number one export from the United States?


Agriculture. We are bolstering farming and equipment makers when we send help to a place like Africa. That's right, we are helping our own economy by giving to Africa. 100% of it comes from the heartland of the good 'ol US of A. Sure, it's federal money, but it is a stimulus for American products.

So, my bigoted friends on the right-go shit in your hat. You don't know where your bread and butter comes from. It won't come out of your pockets, so shut your vile pieholes.


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