Friday, January 02, 2015

A Clean Break

I intend to use 2015 for a lot of new things. One of those things is quitting Facebook.

What will I miss?

Really, not much. Facebook is the penultimate extension of narcissism-every thing that is posted screams "LOOK AT ME". I was one of those. I used to post music to show how hip I was. I used to post politics and religion to show how intellectual I was.

I was far from the only one.

I don't feel much like seeing what my old friends are up to anymore. Some of them are unwittingly insane, living a contrived life devoid of meaning and purpose. I went insane on Facebook once. It brings out the worst in all of us.

So, I deactivated. I spent too much time gawking at it. I was bored. I had enough of news aggregation sites fatiguing me with the same posts about the same people. Really, who gives a shit about Amanda Bynes? Elon Musk? Skrillex? Who gives a fuck about who played at Coachella? I sure don't. However, this is a larger complaint about the Internet itself. It can be utterly lame at times. But I need the news. I gotta try to keep up. I will still visit those aggregation sites, and hopefully will not be annoyed by what Reza Aslan has to say because I don't goddamned give any flying fucks.

. I just don't care about people or things enough to keep scrolling my life away via Facebook. There are better things to do than checking that fucker every hour to see what I don't care about.

So here I go! Here's to better things to do with time.


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